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Silly Monkey Stories: Sunday Afternoon Fever

Today's story is about my preschooler Jake. I have been trying to coax him into letting me take some photos of him dancing. It is so much fun watching him. He has so much energy, not to mention that he is extremely flexible. He's picked up all these fancy moves from watching television shows like Hip Hop Larry. I snapped these photos of him on Sunday, but of course, he would not perform for the camera. He did let loose a little bit and gave me a whole lot of silliness though.

(Click on any image to enlarge)

Usually, I will dance along with him. Sometimes we'd take turns and other times he'd say, "MumMum, do this!" and "Now do this!" I do my best to follow, but there are some moves I and my aching back won't even try to touch, like one of those hand stand thingies.

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