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My Photos (W/E 9/6/08) and The "Show Me . . . " Project

"Budding Young Artist"

Since I find myself lacking in photos this week, I decided to post my Weekly Winner (no "s" at then end since there is only one) together with my Sunday installment for Robert's new photo project "Show Me . . . "

For Sunday, I am suppose to show you our mailbox. Unfortunately, we only have a mail slot. So here it is.

Did I forget to mention that I recruited our resident preschooler to do this photo project with me? I chose to shoot the mail slot this way because it doubles as a peephole for children.

If you'd like to participate in this week-long photo project, visit Robert at Thoughts of a Father.

To share your favorite photos from last week or to see more Weekly Winners photos, visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom.