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Somebody Thinks I'm Brainy!

Monica of Mommy Brain Reports has honored me with an award! I am so flattered that she found my blog worthy of this Brainy Blog Award.

 Mommy Brain Reports

I proudly accept this award, so I must . . .

1) Think of at least 5 bloggers that you believe to be “Brainy Bloggers”

2) Post it on your blog for all to see! Let them know you’ve awarded them by email, twitter, etc or via a comment on their blog!

3) Share some linky love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to

4) Come back to the Brainy Blog Headquarters to sign our Mr. Linky and then pass it on!

I would like to pass this award onto the following brainy blogs:

Quilly's Pacific . . . Paradise?

Work of the Poet

Izzy 'n' Emmy


My Honey B

I hope these five bloggers will accept this award. They can find the full description of this award and the html for the blog award in two sizes at the Brainy Blog Award Headquarters.